Agrobox is the sustainable and ultimate solution for treating and recycling the washing water of tractors and their sprayers

Point Pollution

The major source of contamination of surface water and groundwater by plant protection products is due to point source pollution. Many studies have shown that the contamination origin is the unproper washing of tractors and spraying units. The TOOPS project reports the following data for the main sources of pollution:

Project TOPPS (Training of Operators to Prevent Pollution from Point Sources

The Genesis

A few years ago, two leading companies expert in the membrane filtration technology decided to develop a sustainable system to decontaminate the waters resulting from washing of tractors and relevant spraying units. Agrobox is the smart and efficient solution to prevent washing contamination and to recover most of the water used


AGROBOX is a plant based on membrane technology for the treatment and reuse of washing water from agricultural tractors and their and spraying units


Data resulting from so far carried out tests on Agrobox unit. The recovery grade is strictly connected with the composition of contaminated waters to be treated

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the sustainable solution for washing sprayers and tractors